Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pan Seared Steak Rolls (AKA Anti-Sushi)

  This recipe is one I found on Pinterest, and my family and I love it! The recipe is in the link above. I'll just post some pictures of the cooking process.

   The second time I made this, it was for a big dinner for many on my Mom's side of my family. We were doing an asian potluck night. My uncle made sushi for the main dish, so my mom decided to call the steak rolls "anti-sushi." The whole reason I made it that night was so that people who don't like sushi (aka crazy people) could have a main dish too.

   This is my third or fourth time making this. It does take some prep time, so I cut everything earlier in the day, and then just put it together and cook it near dinner time.


Veggies! We nixed the mushrooms and added onion.


Cooking veggies.

Rolling veggies in (tenderized) sirloin steak.

My camera isn't the best, so the shine from the flash makes it hard to see just how amazing these things looked. 

Really, the pictures don't do these justice. 

We made cream cheese wantons for a side. I'll post my recipe for that another day.

Patie Kasta

  I LOVE pasta. My Dad served an LDS mission in Italy, and he raised us on Italian food. Pasta has always been my favorite thing to make.

  This pasta dish, my family calls "Katie's Pasta," and when I asked my friend what to call the dish, he replied "Patie Kasta." So, I guess that's what I'm calling it.
   I originally would make a different version of this dish, from a recipe I got from an old high school cookbook. The original recipe is pretty much zesty italian dressing on egg noodles. It's okay, but I wanted to add a little more oomph to it.

Approx. 4 Cups Egg Noodles
Red, Green, & Yellow Bell Peppers
Green Onion
Red Pepper flakes
(You can add onion, but I'm not a fan. If you like the flavor of onion, but not biting into one, I'd suggest minced onions)
1 tsp Oil
Pinch of Salt
1/2 Cup Zesty Italian Dressing (my favorite is the Olive Garden brand)
Garlic Powder
Parmesan Cheese

   First, cook egg noodles according to package directions. While noodles are cooking, chop up bell peppers and green onion (and onion). I made about a handful, after they were chopped and piled together. I didn't have yellow bell peppers, but I love them, and I know they'd be good in here.

After the noodles are finished cooking, drain and return to pot. Put heat on low.  Next, mix in oil, salt, zesty italian dressing, bell peppers and green onion (and onion). Next I shook a bit of garlic powder over the top, with a pinch of red pepper flakes. I love any extra kick I can get. I love basil. I just layer the top in a thin heap of basil. I never measure it out, so here's a picture (before I mixed it in). After mixing in the basil, let everything heat up for about 3-5 minutes, stirring occasionall, to avoid burning. Turn off the heat and add a generous sprinkle of parmesan cheese, then mix it in. I like the shredded parmesan best.

 Next, place some on a plate and enjoy! I think this recipe would be amazing with some grilled chicken. I'll post a great recipe for that in the future. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Peanut Butter and Egg Sandwich

   I used to HATE eggs. I had to eat scrambled eggs on numerous occasions and gagged almost every time. It wasn't until a few years ago that I realized eggs are actually delicious.

   Dad was making lunch for himself, and insisted I try it. Peanut butter and egg sandwich... it sounded disgusting. I reminded my dad that I hated eggs, but he still insisted that I try it. I took a bit and was pleasantly surprised. I asked him to make me one and I've enjoyed eggs ever since.

  Peanut butter and egg sandwiches are really easy and quick, plus they are rich in protein. I love eating them for breakfast when I know I'm going to the gym later, or when I know I've got a lot to do that day.

   Here's how it's done:
Coat skillet with butter or cooking spray. Cook eggs over-easy, or sunny-side-up if you like them runny. I, personally, think that goop on sunny-side-up is nauseating, but that's just me. When cooking the egg over-easy, make sure not to cook it too much, so that the yolk is still runny.

Next, make two pieces of toast. After they pop out of the toaster, coat one side of each slice with peanut butter. The peanut butter should begin to melt into the toast a bit. I didn't toast my bread long enough, so my peanut butter didn't melt quite as much.

After the egg is finished cooking and the toast is coated with peanut butter, add the egg on top the peanut butter of one of the slices. Add the other slice on top and enjoy! I like to make sure that the yolk is near the top of the bread, so that when I squish it, it flows into the rest of the sandwich.   You can also add salt or pepper to your egg, but I prefer without it. Also, if you want to make this healthier, just remove the egg yolk. Egg whites are great for you, but I like the flavor the yolk gives, so I keep it in.