Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pan Seared Steak Rolls (AKA Anti-Sushi)

  This recipe is one I found on Pinterest, and my family and I love it! The recipe is in the link above. I'll just post some pictures of the cooking process.

   The second time I made this, it was for a big dinner for many on my Mom's side of my family. We were doing an asian potluck night. My uncle made sushi for the main dish, so my mom decided to call the steak rolls "anti-sushi." The whole reason I made it that night was so that people who don't like sushi (aka crazy people) could have a main dish too.

   This is my third or fourth time making this. It does take some prep time, so I cut everything earlier in the day, and then just put it together and cook it near dinner time.


Veggies! We nixed the mushrooms and added onion.


Cooking veggies.

Rolling veggies in (tenderized) sirloin steak.

My camera isn't the best, so the shine from the flash makes it hard to see just how amazing these things looked. 

Really, the pictures don't do these justice. 

We made cream cheese wantons for a side. I'll post my recipe for that another day.

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